One of the most important aspects of Tajweed is the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters, which depends on knowing their Makhraj (articulation points). Makhraj in Tajweed refers to the place in the mouth, throat, or lips from which a letter originates.
Many students struggle with pronouncing Quranic letters correctly, and mastering Makhraj in Tajweed ensures accuracy, fluency, and clarity in Quranic recitation.
In this guide, we will explore What Is Makhraj in Tajweed?, types, and importance of Makhraj, along with the 17 articulation points and their classification.
What’s Tajweed?
Tajweed (تجويد) means “to improve” or “to make better.” In Quranic recitation, Tajweed refers to the rules that help reciters pronounce every letter correctly with its proper Makhraj and Sifaat (characteristics)
The Quran states: “ورتل القرآن ترتيلا” (سورة المزمل 73:4)
This measured recitation (Tarteel) requires mastering Makhraj in Tajweed.
What Is Makhraj in Tajweed : Linguistic and Terminological Definition
Linguistically: Makhraj (مخرج) means “exit” or “place of articulation.”
In Tajweed: Makhraj refers to the exact point where a letter originates when pronounced.
Every Arabic letter has a specific Makhraj, ensuring its correct pronunciation and differentiation from similar sounds.
Harf: Linguistic and Terminological Definition
Linguistically: Harf (حرف) means “letter” or “edge.”
In Tajweed: Harf refers to the Arabic letters that have specific articulation points (Makharij).
What Are the Types of Makhraj in Tajweed ?
Makhraj is divided into two main types:
- General Makharij (المخارج العامة): The five main areas where letters originate.
- Specific Makharij (المخارج الخاصة): The exact articulation points for each letter.
Why Learning Makhraj in Tajweed Matters ?
Learning Makhraj is essential for:
- ✔ Correct pronunciation of Quranic letters.
- ✔ Avoiding mispronunciation that changes meanings.
- ✔ Achieving fluency in recitation.
- ✔ Perfecting Quranic Tajweed rules.
How Is the Makhraj of a Letter Determined?
To determine a letter’s Makhraj:
Place a Sukoon (°) on the letter.
Add a Hamzah (ء) before it.
Observe where the sound originates.
أَبْ (Ab) → The sound of ب (Ba) originates from the lips.
What Are the 5 Main Makhraj in Tajweed ?
The five general Makharij (articulation areas) are:
- Al-Jawf (الجوف) – The empty space in the mouth and throat
- Al-Halq (الحلق) – The throat
- Al-Lisan (اللسان) – The tongue
- Ash-Shafatayn (الشفتان) – The lips
- Al-Khayshoom (الخيشوم) – The nasal cavity
How Many Articulation Points Are There in Tajweed ?
In Tajweed, there are 17 articulation points within the 5 general Makharij.
What Are the 4 Main Parts of the Tongue in Makhraj ?
Deep part (أقصى اللسان) – Qaf & Kaf
Middle part (وسط اللسان) – Jeem, Sheen, and Yaa
Edges (حافة اللسان) – Daad
Tip (طرف اللسان) – Ta, Daal, Thal, etc.
What Are the 17 Makhraj in Tajweed ?
No. | Makhraj (Articulation Point) | Letters (Huruf) | Description |
1 | Jawf (Empty Space in Mouth & Throat) | ا و ي (Madd Letters) | Comes from the open space in the mouth and throat. |
2 | Aqsal Halq (Deepest Part of the Throat) | ء هـ | Closest to the chest, deep throat sounds. |
3 | Wasat Al-Halq (Middle of the Throat) | ع ح | Middle throat articulation. |
4 | Adna Al-Halq (Closest Part of the Throat to the Mouth) | غ خ | Upper throat articulation. |
5 | Aqsal Lisan (Deepest Part of the Tongue) | ق | The back of the tongue touching the soft palate. |
6 | Wasat Al-Lisan (Middle of the Tongue) | ج ش ي (non-Madd) | Middle of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth. |
7 | Haafat Al-Lisan (Sides of the Tongue) | ض | The sides of the tongue touching the upper molars. |
8 | Taraf Al-Lisan (Tip of the Tongue, near sides) | ل | The tip of the tongue touching the area behind the upper front teeth. |
9 | Taraf Al-Lisan (Tip of the Tongue, slightly forward) | ن | The tip of the tongue touching the gums behind the upper front teeth. |
10 | Taraf Al-Lisan (Tip of the Tongue, front area) | ر | The tip of the tongue tapping the gum behind the upper front teeth. |
11 | Taraf Al-Lisan (Tip of the Tongue, touching the upper teeth) | ط د ت | The tongue touching the upper front teeth at the gum. |
12 | Taraf Al-Lisan (Tip of the Tongue, between upper and lower teeth) | ص ز س | The tip of the tongue near the upper and lower teeth. |
13 | Taraf Al-Lisan (Tip of the Tongue, touching the edge of upper front teeth) | ظ ذ ث | The tongue touching the edges of the upper front teeth. |
14 | Shafatain (Both Lips Together) | ف | The bottom lip touching the upper front teeth. |
15 | Shafatain (Both Lips Together, fully closed) | ب م | The lips completely closed. |
16 | Shafatain (Both Lips Together, slightly open) | و (non-Madd) | The lips rounded but not closed. |
17 | Khaishoom (Nasal Cavity) | Ghunnah (for ن and م) | The sound comes from the nose during nasalization (Ghunnah). |
These 17 articulation points define the precise pronunciation of Arabic letters in Tajweed, ensuring correct recitation of the Quran. 🌿
17 Makhraj Chart
A visual Makhraj chart helps students understand articulation points.
Why are the makhraj points fewer than the Arabic alphabet ?
Because some letters share the same makhraj points. Therefore, there are 17 makhraj points, while the Arabic alphabet consists of 29 letters. For example:
- The makhraj of the lips produces Bā (ب), Mīm (م), Fā (ف), and Wāw (و).
- The makhraj of the tip of the tongue and the upper incisors produces Tā (ت), Dāl (د), and Tā’ (ط).
The difference between these letters lies in their characteristics, such as voicing, whispering, strength, softness, and others.
What Is the Makhraj of the Letter Qaf ?
The letter ق (Qaf) originates from the deepest part of the tongue, touching the soft palate.
What are the actual and estimated makhraj points ?
Now that we know What Is Makhraj in Tajweed , it’s time to know actual and estimated makhraj ,The estimated makhraj points do not depend on a specific location, and the makhraj is not clear or fixed; it depends on the
phonetic context, while the actual makhraj points are specific and defined, such as the mouth or the throat.
Examples of actual and estimated makhraj points:
Actual makhraj points:
- The makhraj of the lips: like the letter Bā (ب), Mīm (م), and Fā (ف).
Example: “بَاب” (the makhraj of Bā from the lips). - The makhraj of the tongue with the upper palate: like the letter Lām (ل) and Nūn (ن).
Example: “لَيْلَة” (the makhraj of Lām from the tip of the tongue with the upper palate).
Estimated makhraj points:
- The makhraj of the solar Lām: like the letter Tā (ت), Dāl (د), Ṭā (ط), and others. When pronouncing these letters after the solar Lām, the sound is blended in an estimated way, without focusing on a fixed makhraj .
Example: “التفاح” (the solar Lām here is estimated and not clearly defined by a specific makhraj ). - The makhraj of the lunar Lām: like the letter Rā (ر), Zāy (ز), Sīn (س), and others. These letters appear when pronounced with the definite article “Al,” and the location of the sound’s makhraj is estimated based on the context.
The hardest letters for non-native Arabic speakers and the reasons:
- The hardest letters are (the throat letters) because they need to come from the throat and require precise coordination of the tongue with breathing.
- The letters Ṭā (ط) and Tā (ت) are difficult because they are very similar in pronunciation, so the student cannot determine the correct makhraj.
- The letter Ẓā (ظ) is difficult because its way of pronouncing the letter is somewhat complex and requires it to come from the tongue with the upper teeth.
- The letter Ḍād (ض) is difficult because its pronunciation is not similar to any sound in their native languages, and it requires a specific place in the mouth for the sound to be inhaled in a particular way.
Now here are secrets and methods that help you program the letters in a smart way :
- Repetition and continuous practice until you can pronounce the letter naturally without effort.
- Using modern technology to help you correct pronunciation, such as audio applications and sound learning programs.
- Controlling breathing properly, as it helps control sound and pronunciation.
- Controlling and focusing on the tongue and lips so you can direct them correctly towards the place of the letters.
- Listening to correct recitation, whether from famous reciters or a teacher, and imitating and repeating the sound.
- Controlling the balance of sound and air pressure in the throat so the sound comes out balanced.
- Record your voice and listen regularly to discover mistakes and try to correct them.
- And finally, don’t rush and start gradually while maintaining accurate pronunciation
Difference Between Makharij and Sifaat in Tajweed
Before we talk about the difference, let us remember What Is Makhraj in Tajweed ? and what is Sifaat in Tajweed ؟ so that we can understand the clear difference between them.
- What Is Makhraj in Tajweed refers to the specific places in the mouth or throat where the sound of each Arabic letter originates.
- What Is Sifaat in Tajweed refers to the qualities or attributes that each letter possesses when it is
- pronounced These qualities affect the sound, tone, and clarity of the letter
So, we can now assess the difference.
Makhraj in Tajweed : Where a letter is pronounced.
Sifaat in Tajweed : How a letter is pronounced
To know more about what is sifaat in tajweed click here
What Are Tafkheem and Tarqeeq ?
Tafkheem (تفخيم): Heavy/thick pronunciation ., ق, ط, ظ).
Tarqeeq (ترقيق): Light pronunciation ( ب, ت, ي).
To know more about what is tafkheem in tajweed click here
Want to master Makhraj and Tajweed ?
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Brief Summary
Mastering Makhraj in Tajweed ensures perfect Quranic pronunciation. There are 17 articulation points within 5 major areas, covering all Arabic letters.
Question for the readers :
Which letter do you find difficult to pronounce correctly ? And have you learned the correct pronunciation method for it ? Share your experience in the comments !
How many Makhraj are there in Tajweed ?
→ 17 articulation points
? The back of the tongue
→ What is the Makhraj of ق
What is the difference between Makhraj and Sifaat ?
→ Makhraj is where a letter is pronounced ; Sifaat is how it is pronounced.