What is Tafkheem in Tajweed

What is Tafkheem in Tajweed & Tarqiq ? Understanding Its 5 Levels & Rules


In this article, we will learn about What is Tafkheem in Tajweed ؟  , as it is not just a Tajweed rule, but it also strengthens linguistic skills, improves pronunciation, reduces errors in recitation, and improves vocal performance.

Because when learning Tajweed , one of the most important concepts is the difference between heavy (Tafkheem) and light (Tarqeeq) letters. Tafkheem in Tajweed refers to the thickening or heaviness of a letter’s pronunciation, giving it a full, deep sound.

What’s Tajweed​ ؟

Tajweed (تَجويد) means “beautification” or “improvement.” It is the set of rules governing the correct pronunciation of Quranic Arabic letters to ensure clarity and accuracy.
To know more about Tajweed click here 

What is Tafkheem in Tajweed ? (Tafkheem Meaning)

Tafkheem (تفخيم) in Arabic means “thickening” or “making heavy.” In Tajweed, it refers to pronouncing a letter with a deep, full sound by elevating the back of the tongue.

What is Tafkheem in Tajweed

How Many Tafkheem Letters Are There ?

There are 7 heavy letters in Arabic , which are called “Huruf al-Isti’laa” (حروف الاستعلاء).

The Tafkheem letters in Arabic are:

خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ

What is Tafkheem in Tajweed

A common way to remember them is with the phrase:

“خص ضغط قظ” (Khussa Daghtin Qiz)

What Is the Method of Making the Letter Have the Characteristics of Tafkheem in Tajweed ?

A letter is made heavy (Tafkheem) by raising the back of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth while pronouncing it.

Tafkheem is affected by:

Fatha (َ) → The heaviest sound.

Dammah (ُ) → A slightly lighter sound.

Kasrah (ِ) → The lightest, but still heavy for Tafkheem letters.

What Are the Three Groups Divided in Regards to Tarqeeq and Tafkheem in Tajweed ?

Always Heavy (Huruf al-Isti’laa) → خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ

Always Light (Huruf al-Istifal) → All other letters except ر and ل

Sometimes Heavy or Light → ر (Raa) and ل (Laam in لفظ الجلالة “Allah”)

The 5 Levels of Tafkheem in Tajweed

There are 5 levels of Tafkheem based on the vowel of the letter:

Tafkheem with Dhammah and a Full Mouth Sound (e.g., طُ)

 Tafkheem with Fatha (open mouth) (e.g., طَ)

Tafkheem with Sukoon (e.g., طْ)

 Tafkheem with Kasrah, but still heavy (e.g., طِ)

 Tarqeeq if Kasrah affects it significantly


What Is Tarqeeq in Tajweed ?

After we know What is Tafkheem in Tajweed , now we will learn about Tarqeeq (ترقيق) means “lightening” or “making thin.” It refers to pronouncing a letter with a soft, light sound without thickening it.

You can also read about What Is Makhraj in Tajweed

and how they help you achieve correct pronunciation ! 📖✨

Tarqeeq Letters (Light Letters in Arabic) :

 All Arabic letters are Tarqeeq (light) except The 7 Heavy letters in Tajweed :

and The letters Raa (ر) and Laam (ل) in some cases

Letters That Could Be Heavy or Light in Tarqeeq in Tajweed

Raa (ر)

Heavy → If it has Fatha (رَ) or Dhammah (رُ).

Light → If it has Kasrah (رِ).

Laam (ل) in “Allah”

Heavy → If preceded by Fatha (َ) or Dhammah (ُ).

Light → If preceded by Kasrah (ِ).

Tafkheem and Tarqeeq Examples

Heavy and light letters in Arabic

Heavy (Tafkheem) Light (Tarqeeq)
طَالب (Taalib) بَاب (Baab)
ولا الضالِّين (Wala Ad-Daalleen)  سَلام (Salaam)
  • Tafkheem and Tarqeeq Examples of Raa

كَرِيمٌ  (Karim) – because the Raa has a Kasra ( ـِ )

رِزْقٌ (Rizq) – because the Raa has a Kasra ( ـِ )

رَحْمَةٌ (Rahmah) – Heavy (Fatha)

  • Rules of Alif Maddiyyah

Alif takes the quality of the letter before it.

What is Tafkheem in Tajweed

Qāl (قَالَ) → Heavy (Tafkheem)

Bāb (بَاب) → Light (Tarqeeq)

  • Rules of Laam

“Laam” in Allah (اللَّهُ) → Heavy after Fatha/Dhammah, Light after Kasrah.

  • Rules of Raa

Raa is heavy with Fatha (رَ) and Dhammah (رُ).

Raa is light with Kasrah (رِ).

The Relationship Between Ghunnah and Tafkhim

Ghunnah and Tafkhim are both phonetic elements in Tajweed, but they are not always directly connected. Their relationship appears in the letter where the Ghunnah occurs:

  • If it is followed by a heavy (Mufakhkham) letter, the Ghunnah becomes stronger and fuller.
  • If it is followed by a light (Murqaq) letter, it remains soft and light.

To know more about Ghunnah Click here

Want to perfect your Quranic recitation ?

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Brief Summary

Tafkheem means “making a letter heavy.”

7 Tafkheem letters: خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ

Tarqeeq means “making a letter light.”

Some letters (ر and ل) can be both heavy and light.

Question for the readers :

Now that you understand What is Tafkheem in Tajweed , how would you classify the word “Tariq” in terms of Tafkheem? Is it a heavy (Mufakhkham) word or not? And why? 🤔
✨ Share your answer in the comments! 📖



What are the Tafkheem letters in Arabic ?

خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ

What are light letters in Tajweed ?

All letters except Tafkheem letters.

Is Raa always heavy ?

No, Raa is heavy with Fatha/Dammah and light with Kasrah.


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